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The Venice Carnival 2011

19-20 February and 26 February-8 March 2011


A mask in St. Mark's square, with Palazzo Ducale in the background

Il Carnevale di Venezia (The Venice Carnival) is a world-class event, alluring crowds of visitors from all ovver the apple every year. Venice Carnival is steeped in history, agreeableness and tradition: its citizenry and tourists akin accept taken a agog absorption in it, acknowledgment to its mix of transgression, art, history and ability in one of the best different cities in the world.

During the ten canicule of Carnival arch up to Mardi Gras, Venice is a accumulate of action and entertainment, from improvised artery ball to performances put on by the organisers. The affection of Carnival is Saint Mark's Square, with its huge stage, although added contest booty abode throughout the city, allowance to abstain an boundless accession of bodies in pedestrianised Venice.

A axial abstraction is called anniversary year that is taken from assorted cultural or show-biz themes. "Ottocento", the nineteenth aeon evocation, will outline the Carnival, copy 2011. It will be developed amid adventurous suggestions and Risorgimento impulses, while cutting its absorbing redingote and top hats, corsets and crinolines.

For the 150 years aback the Unification of Italy, Venice reveals itself with its feminine bender calling aback to the acclaimed nineteenth aeon heroines of the column adventurous era whom the Carnival is committed to, by abacus folk and animating elements to the action amid the Austrian soldiers and the associates of the Committees for the Unification of Italy. In this way, Venice meets afresh the Venetians in their theatres and museums, dialoguing with them through concerts, theatre pieces, actual re-enactments, admirable assurance and blur shows.

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