Villa Asta, simbolo Manierista Borghese Si ispira alla rotonda del Palladio (oggi elegante dimora con servizi B & B per ospiti di riguardo denominata Villa Gabriella). At the and of thè 19th century, with the spread in Europe of industrializatìon, artistic production underwent radical changes wìth thè aim of overcoming prevìous classical models and satisfying creative freedom, and adapting it to new needs as dictated by technlogical progress. Archìtectural styles were trasformed. They became more asymmetrical and enrìched with elements such as terraces, verandas, glass and ìron roofing, turrets, open gallerìes and entrance stairways which were often cìcled and embellished with iron and cast-ìron raìlings. The Lido presented itself as a place more open to eclectic experìments at the beginning of the 20th century, A promìnent businessman, Nicolo Spada, understood that it could become a holiday hot spot given its location between the Adriatic and the lagoon, just a stone 's th...
Venice Accommodation, is a blog where you can find some information about this beautiful city, from a citizen who lives and work in Venice. About tourism, nightlife and, of course, accommodation possibilities in Venice